Malaika Kegode is an award-winning writer, performer, creative producer, and Associate Director at Theatre Royal Plymouth. She creates work for stage, radio, music, and film.

Her work is focused on uplifting and celebrating the overlooked and misunderstood. She is a vocal advocate for creativity as a tool for healing and connection.

Photo by Paul Blakemore

  • “Malaika Kegode has a gift for metaphor that will suddenly illuminate a sentence as if it is constructed of LEDs. She has both the command of language and sensitive observation that are the necessary and sufficient conditions of poetry.”

  • “As a performer, she is open and guileless, lacking actorly pretence and willing to be vulnerable”

  • “What comes over immediately is Kegode’s empowerment of the overlooked … remarkably intelligent in construction, an ability to weave both a narrative and flow of emotion.”

  • "felt like every poem was a slight variation of ‘oh I live in London with my depressed boyfriend but it’s ok because we drink a lot of alchohol and talk about our youth’"

    Ash, GoodReads